Author Guidelines
Each issue of Amfiteatru Economic features a specific topic, which will be announced at least 12 month in advance on the journal’s website. Only articles related to the announced topic will undergo peer reviewing. All articles should report original research that has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers presented at conferences are acceptable, provided that they have not been published in full in Conference Proceedings.
The article has to be accompanied by a Declaration which has to be fulfilled, signed by the authors and scanned. It can be downloaded from
Regarding the originality of the papers we bring to your attention the following:
- Our journal is consistent with the principles governing the intellectual property rights, discouraging any attempt of
plagiarism, regardless of its forms – involuntary, self-plagiarism, voluntary misappropriation of other people’s ideas etc. The author must take appropriate measures to avoid any of these situations regardless of the nature and gravity
- Please note that for checking the articles received we are running a specialized anti-plagiarism software used by other prestigious institutions.
- The maximum percentage of plagiarism allowed by Amfiteatru Economic journal is 10%
- To ensure the objectivity of the results we exclude the references, the title and the author names when checking the text.
- The editor reserves the right to reject the article from the beginning and to refuse to publish future articles from the authors who have committed plagiarism
Articles by Romanian authors will be written in Romanian and English.
Articles by foreign authors are written only in English.
Articles with foreign and Romanian authors will be written in Romanian and English.
Please ensure that proper English is used. The editorial committee cannot accept articles that are not readable in English.
1. Important Specifications
The journal is issued quaterly, namely in February, May and August, and a special issue in November. For the issue published in February the articles should be received by September 30, for the issue published in May by December 30, and for the issue published in August by March 30.
After the deadline for submitting the articles of a journal issue, their eligibility is verified taking into account five criteria: the classification of the article on the topic of the respective issue; if the article has research; originality, correctness of writing in English and if it is written in Template. The authors are informed by e-mail about the outcome of this step within 30 days. Eligible articles are submitted to reviewers for
double blind peer review. The peer-review lasts 45 days, and the authors are informed about its results.
The double-blind peer review process is conducted by independent reviewers, experts in the field, who are not part of the journal’s editorial staff.
The authors’ identities are masked from the reviewers, and the reviewers’ identities are hidden from the authors. The use of author-recommended reviewers is not permitted.
Reviews are not posted with the respective articles upon publication.
The final decision is taken by the Editor-in-Chief after consultation with the Editorial Board.
The articles must be 10 to 15 pages long (including references). Please follow the X5 style. Guidelines regarding this style can be downloaded here. The text of the paper will be written in Times New Roman, 10 point, single line spacing.
All submissions are electronic in format MS-Word 2007 (with the extension “.docx”)
Articles that do not conform with the requirements specified in this Guide will be rejected outright, without being sent to peer review.
It is the politics of our journal to publish the work of one author only once a year. In the same time, an author won’t sign more than one article within the same issue of the journal. In case these two aspects are not observed, the articles will be considered unelligible for the respective issue and, as a consequence, they will be rejected.
Manuscripts should be submitted using the form provided on the Journal’s website (click here)
2. Recommendations
Paper Title
The title should describe clearly and accurately the content of the article. It is crucial that the title includes keywords that readers are likely to use when searching for articles online.
The abstract must include sufficient information for readers to judge the nature and significance of the topic. It should summarize the objectives of the article, methodology, results and conclusions. In order to increase the visibility of the article, the abstract should reiterate key words and phrases while avoiding unnecessary repetition.
Four to seven keywords (words or expressions) that capture the essence of your paper should be listed in decreasing order of importance, ensuring consistency with the title and the abstract of the article.
JEL Classification
The article should follow the Journal of Economic Literature classification system (JEL), in one or several categories. All relevant code(s) must be shown here. Click here for JEL classification
The introduction has to serve the acquintance of the reader with the content of the paper, reusing the key words defining the article in cause. It has to state the purpose of the article, and in the final part it will mention the problems/aspects to be treated further in the article.
Paper Body
The article should be the result of a research in the area, corresponding to the specific topic of the journals’ issue. The structure of the paper should be clear and well ephasized by titles and subtitles placed in a logical sequence, according to the writing methodology of the scientific papers. In order to allow the readers to understand better the work of the authors, the following structure of the paper will be used: Review of the scientific literature, Research methodology; Results and discussion.
A conclusion section is required. Conclusions should provide a synthesis of the main contributions of the paper, discuss the importance of the work, and suggest possible limits and extensions of the research.
3. Rules regarding article formatting
The paper title shall be written in uppercase and centered across the top of the page in Impact font type, 14 point, bold.
The names of the authors will be written under the title of the paper, spaced at a row, centered, specifying: university or institution, city, country and e-mail address. The number of authors should not exceed six. Times New Roman, 11, bold, lowercase will be used.
A very important recommendation: The
coordinating/contact author is required to
have at least an H index of 3 (on Web of
Science or Scopus).
The abstract will be written in Times New Roman 10 point. It must have 100 to 200 words, single spaced. Abbreviations will not be used in the abstract.
The paper body should be written with in Times New Roman 10 point, single spaced
Tables and figures should be placed in the body of the paper exactly where the authors want them to appear printed. They should not occupy more than one page each. The heading should be in Times New Roman 10 point bold. Titles and numbers should be positioned above the table or figure. Please indicate the source of data when appropriate. References to tables and figures in the text of the article should be made within parentheses, e.g. „(fig. nr.1), (table nr. 1)”.
Graphs must be uncluttered and easy to read, preferably in black and white.
Equations and formulas should be numbered. The numbers are to be justified to the right, within parentheses.
Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined the first time they are used in thet.
Referencing style
Amfiteatru Economic requires the Harvard referencing style, developed by Anglia Ruskin University. The referencing style can be accessed here.
The logical connection between the title of the article, abstract, keywords, main content and conclusions should be respected consistently.
Articles that do not comply with all the requirements specified in the Author Guidelines will not be accepted for publication.
For your convenience, we include here a mock paper illustrating the style required by our journal. Click here for template
Template requirements must be followed. Indication of the ORCID address is mandatory. When creating the ORCID, each author must fill in as many fields as possible, but necessarily the following pre-formulated fields: Biography for affiliation, Works for articles, Other IDs for the scientific profile on ResearcherID (Publons), Scopus author and Google, Keywords for words -key of his specialization and Country for the country. In the Author’s Guide to the Template, there are two examples of completing the ORCID. Before sending the article to the journal, the contact author will check the ORCID of each co-author of the submitted paper.
To download the IRCID profile completion guide click
In order to qualify for peer review and meet the eligibility criteria for publication, all articles/manuscripts must
necessarily only be submitted on the journal’s website, at the “Submit Article” section. The articles are thus added to the journal’s database where they are registered with an ID number which can be see under the submit button. Articles may be submitted by the specified deadlines — each year on
September 30th, December 30th and March 30th, at 12:00 a.m. No further submissions are allowed after these deadlines.