The Knowledge Economy, an Opportunity for Central and Eastern European Countries: Offshoring E-Tradable Services
Author:Lector univ. dr. Ana Bobircă, Conf. univ. dr. Paul-Gabriel Miclă
Keywords:knowledge economy; e-tradable
services; offshoring; Central and
Eastern; Europe; Romania; information
technology; IT services
European economies are undergoing
dramatic changes, determined by the rise in
knowledge-intensity of economic activities,
as an effect of the escalating pace of technological
change, on one hand, and by the
increasing globalization of economic affairs,
driven by markets liberalization, on the other
hand, having as consequence the emergence
and development of a new type of economy,
knowledge-based (Rubalcaba-Bermejo,
This paper aims at evaluating the positioning
of Central and Eastern European
countries (CEEs), and especially that of
Romania, in the transformation process of
their economic structure and organization
towards a knowledge-based economy. In
order to determine the specific characteristics
of these countries, that could contribute
to successfully developing a knowledgebased
economy, we will focus our analysis on
exploring the potential for offshoring e-tradable
services, especially among developed
countries, old EU members (EU 15) and
CEE developing countries, new Member
States of the EU.