Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti

Amfiteatru Economic
Facultatea de Business si Turism

Concerns regarding the quality assurance at the Faculty of Economics "Ovidius" University of Constanta

Author:Prof. univ. dr. Anca Stanciu, Conf. univ. dr. Elena Condrea



Keywords:quality assurance; quality management; academic education; performance, quality indicators; quality value; human ressources

The quality assurance issue represents at this moment a constantly concerning in order to make more efficient the educational services at all training levels (Universities from Romania). The Romanian universities develop now a large reforming program where the quality issues have a central place. In conformity with the „Ovidius“ University strategy, the Faculty of Economics began the elaboration of the documentation necessary to implement the quality assurance system. This process follows a structurated action plan due to ensure coherence for the whale approach. In the frame of this approach the human resources (component) unit benefit of a great attention, the continuous training being considered like crucial. In this respect, more than a half of the teachers followed already a specialized program for internal auditors. Another important problem to be focused in the faculty quality approach is represented by seven groups presented in the paper, inclusive on under group of partial indicators. The methodology follow further a structure of a set of quality indicators, detailed ass welt, which will be associated in the next step with calculation values. We consider the methodology able to ensure the quality evaluation and monitorisation at the faculty level and the placement in the quality approach at the university level as well and to make less difficult the quality management system certification.
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