An Empirical Study on the Migration Among Young Skilled and Creative People
Author:Marta-Christina Suciu and Cristina Andreea Florea
JEL:J11, J13, J15, J24, J61, O15, R23
Keywords:immigration, development, welfare, creative class, investments in education
In the context of a knowledge and innovative-based society and economy, smart and
creative cities are attracting an increasing number of young people, most of them being
gifted, very talented students and high-skilled workforce, with multiple competences . These
young people are pro-active and they involve themselves on enhancing the progress of the
community in which they are living. Many cities are facing a higher rate of brain drain, as a
consequence of the quality of life and the low level of wages considering also a reduce
level of acceptance and implementation of innovative solutions. In the last decades
migration phenomenon had been amplified and there is an increased young people
migration from emergent countries to the innovat ion driven countries, witch assure more
financial stability and favourable conditions to contribute to both personal and professional
development for its residents.
Through an empiric research, we have identified the most important factors which
contribute to the amplified migration among youths. We have also highlighted the
motivational elements for returning to homeland, when the socio-economic situation is
favourable. The paper includes also a set of recommendations that could create a proper
framework to attract talented, skilled and creative youth, regardless their origin country.