Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti

Amfiteatru Economic
Facultatea de Business si Turism

The Role of Marketing Audit in Evaluation Sustainable Marketing Performance in Romanian Organizations

Author:Daniel Serbănică, Violeta Rădulescu and Anca Francisca Cruceru

JEL:M31, M42


Keywords:marketing audit, sustainable marketing, marketing performance, sustainability, Romanian companies

In today`s society, marked by profound changes in consumer attitudes towards the environment and social issues, organizations are forced to behave responsibly, to be oriented towards a sustainable marketing. However the efforts of the organization should be evaluated periodically to see the extent to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which resource consumption leads to results. From the marketing perspective, this can be achieved through marketing audit, which is a tool for evaluating and controlling a marketing organization’s performance. This paper aims, through a documentary study in the first part and an exploratory quantitative research, in the second, to highlight the role and place of the audit of marketing in companies in Romania, to assess the effectiveness of marketing activity undertaken the principles of sustainability. The last part of the paper includes research findings and a series of theoretical and managerial recommendations on the use of marketing audit as a tool for assessing the sustainability of marketing companies in the target group, with the possibility of generalizing to all companies operating on the market in Romania.
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