Community based social marketing for implementation of energy saving targets at local level
Author:Dalia Streimikiene and Jolita Vveinhardt
JEL:Q41, Q5, Q58, R21, R58
Keywords:community based social marketing, local energy plans, energy savings, GHG
emission reductions
Energy saving and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction policies at local level need to
be investigated and new tools for climate change mitigation are necessary seeking to
achieve GHG emission targets in Lithuania. Most Lithuanian municipalities have signed
Covenant of Mayors and have prepared local energy action plans. However, all these plans
include just energy saving measures on supply side and renovation of buildings.
Nevertheless, the significant energy savings and GHG emission reductions can be achieved
through behavioural changes. The aim of the paper is to apply community based social
marketing approach in assessment of achievable energy saving and GHG emission
reduction targets set by local energy action plans. The paper presents the results of case
study implemented in Kaunas region municipality. The case study was conducted by
creating focus groups and applying two scenarios: baseline or doing nothing and climate
change mitigation scenario including intervention measures. The results of case study
revealed that the total energy consumption reduction target set in Sustainable energy
development strategy of Kaunas region county - 11% - can be achieved by combining
results of energy consumption reduction in both focus groups. The survey conducted after
study finalization revealed that respondents were provided with a lot of additional
knowledge during the study and achieved real money savings. The major barriers of energy
savings in households are related with the lack of information on energy savings and GHG
emission reduction.