Enhancing the shopping experience through QR codes: the perspective of the Romanian users
Author:Irina Albăstroiu and Mihai Felea
JEL:O33, L81.
Keywords:QR (Quick Response) code, technology, mobile device, mobile tagging,
shopping experience, buying process.
The progress registered in the field of information and communication technologies has
induced significant changes in the purchasing behaviour of the consumers who nowadays
want simultaneous use of online and offline channels within the same shopping experience.
QR Code (Quick Response) is among the emerging technologies that retailers can implement
for adapting to these changes.
Through reviewing the literature, the article firstly clarifies the characteristics and
applicability of the QR codes, especially in retail, and then presents the results of an
exploratory research conducted among Romanian users regarding their attitude and interest
in QR codes. The objective of the research was to identify the degree of usage, the willingness
of the Romanian people to use codes in the buying process and also their perception about
the functionality and usefulness of the codes. This is a pioneering work for the Romanian
literature, because there aren`t other studies that explore issues concerning the use of QR
codes in the buying process. Results of the study indicated that respondents know the
applicability of QR codes and have used codes for accessing information about products and
for online purchases and they consider that QR codes contribute to the improving of the
shopping experience.