Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti

Amfiteatru Economic
Facultatea de Business si Turism

Innovative information technologies and their impact on the performance of the entities which activate in the retail industry

Author:Valentin-Florentin Dumitru, Gabriel Jinga, Florin Mihai and Aurelia Stefănescu

JEL:M15, M41


Keywords:Communication and information technologies, Retail, Diffusion of innovations theory, Empirical study, Econometric models, Endogenous and exogenous variable

The use of innovative information technologies can represent an advantage for the companies in the retail industry. This research is based on the results of an empirical study. The research was built under the auspices of the diffusion of innovations theory. Using the questionnaires collected we could establish correlations between the variables included into three categories (company’s size, the information technologies used for retail, the impact of information technologies on the company) and we developed two original econometric models. The turnover is considered an endogenous variable (underlying the impact of the information technologies on its value) as well as exogenous (the existence of a unique computers network within the company depending on the turnover as a development factor). The models show that there is a negative correlation between the total turnover and the percentage of the turnover obtained through online sales, respectively the existence of a unique computers network is influenced by the existence of the online retail within the company. The conclusions underline the research limits and the necessary future developments.
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