Global Indicators Analysis and Consultancy Experience Insights into Correlation between Entrepreneurial Activities and Business Environment
Author:Jovan Krivokapić and Ondrej Jaško
JEL:L26, M20, E20, E32
Keywords:entrepreneurship, business environment, consultancy experience-based
theories, global performance indicators
Many researches and practical experiences clearly indicate the existence of a strong
relationship between entrepreneurial activities and the business environment in which these
activities are initiated. Although this topic has been quite ignored until the late twentieth
century, a lot of studies and consulting practice have contributed to the fact that there are
now a number of theories concerning mentioned correlation. These theories aim to offer a
model that would provide better utilization of the possibilities from the business
environment which could be very important for the development from both macroeconomic
and microeconomic aspects. An increasing number of articles on this topic says enough
about its importance, and numerous researches by many reputable globally recognized
institutions go in favor of this claim. There are many indicators that observe the economic
situation in a country or a region from different aspects, so the analyses of these indicators
make it possible to determine the specific relationships between entrepreneurial activities
and the local and the global business environment. Given the complexity of these relations,
the impact cannot be observed partially, without taking into consideration other important
factors, but more detailed analyses, however, result in some useful conclusions, which in
the proper context can have a positive impact on many economic factors.
It is very important to emphasize the fact that the correlation between the business
environment and entrepreneurial activities is bidirectional, since this influence is mutual, so
that changes in one of these factors can and usually cause some modifications in the other.
Frequent series of such iterations actually lead to changes in the business environment,
while entrepreneurial activity changes its shape and affects the economy of a country or a
region, which is of particular importance for its competitiveness in the era of globalization.