Assessment of Marketing Policies Impact on Sustainable Development of Urban Communities
Author:Prof. univ. dr. Stănciulescu Gabriela Cecilia
Urban space;
Sustainable development;
Local authorities;
Urban communities.
In the context of increasing complexity of
the present economy, urban functionality can be
assured only by a well - directed marketing
process which includes several action phases, by
formulating of goals and strategies related to
establishing relationships between the economic,
social and institutional fields, the markets level
and the supply and demand balance. The urban
marketing policy comprises the public and
private sectors, aiming that all their activities
ensure preservation, stimulation and integration
on all development levels by ensuring and
adequate occupying of work force, attracting
some business from different areas and also
preserving and developing the existing ones,
encouraging exports and investments, attracting
tourists and visitors for business. This way, by
well - conducted actions, the marketing policy
can contribute to improve the cities image and to
increase their competitivity in the context of
increasing competition on regional and
international level. The project aims at urban
marketing, planning an analisys of development
level of urban environment in Romania and also
of the factors influencing this process, based on
some indices elaborated to this end and on some
research carried out on well - designed samples.
The results of this research will be actually
applied on the basis of some partnerships with
local authorities, which will be offerred
periodical consulting in order to implement the
urban marketing plan for the promotion of a city,
worked out on the basis of research conducted
within the group.