Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti

Amfiteatru Economic
Facultatea de Business si Turism

Studies and Tendencies within the Baking Products Market in the European Union with Implications on the Baking Products of the Romanian Market

Author:Asistent univ. dr. Andreea Săseanu



Keywords:Alternative agriculture; Rational agriculture; Multifunctional agriculture; Accurate agriculture; Sustainable development; Integrated Agriculture; Alimentary safety; Alimentary security; Quality; Consumer’s protection; Dietary goods.

According to the agricultural patterns existing in the EU, the objectives of the Romanian baking industry should ensure the alimentary safety, introduce the European competitive technologies and manufacturing process, harmonize the Romanian law with the communitary acquis and implement it, match the Romanian standards with the European and international ones, improve the image and statute for the jobs as a miller or a baker and improve their professional training. Nowadays, the consumers of the baking products are more and more conscious of the market and food hygiene: for having good products, these have to observe both the techological and sanitary standards. Analysing the main features of the baking industry market in Romania we can note that this market aspires to its determination and its being placed as a functional one, with a developed and a loyal competition, a business environment according to the demands, an increasing purchasing power and with all kinds of competitors.
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