Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti

Amfiteatru Economic
Facultatea de Business si Turism

Analysis of the Romanian Insurance Market Based on Ensuring and Exercising Consumers` Right to Claim

Author:Dan Armeanu, Nicolae Istudor, Sgârdea Marian Florinel, Ana-Maria Burcă

JEL:C49, G22, D18


Keywords:the right to be informed, claims, financial services, insurance market, data analysis techniques.

In the financial market of insurance, consumer protection represents an important component contributing to the stability, discipline and efficiency of the market. In this respect, the activity of educating and informing insurance consumers on ensuring and exercising their right to claim plays a leading role in the mechanism of consumer protection. This study aims to improve the decision-making capacity of the financial services consumers from the Romanian insurance market through better information on ensuring and exercising their right to claim under the legislation. Thus, by applying three data analysis techniques – principal components analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis – to the data regarding the petitions that were registered by the 41 insurance companies which operated in the Romanian market in 2012, a classification that assesses the insurance market transparency is achieved, resulting in a better information for consumers and, hence, the improvement of their protection through reducing the level of transactions that are harmful to consumers.
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