Monopolization versus sustainable growth – the case of postal services market in Poland
Author:Tomasz Bernat and Piotr Bartkowiak
JEL:L12, L4, L41
Keywords:Postal services market, monopolization, sustainable growth
Economies of the European Union are evolving towards the competitive development along with sustainable development. For many years, these have been the key elements of the unions strategic goals. This indicates, actions in order to achieve them on particular markets, especially on monopolized markets. These includes the postal services market. This raises the question, whether the monopolization of the area-at least a certain segment, has an impact on the biggest player on the market when taking or not taking action regarding the sustainable growth? Three hypotheses and their verification give the answer to this question.
The hipotheses are as follow: the Poczta Polska SA is operator which ratify the Universal Postal Convention, therefore, pro-environmental and pro-social goals should be part of their actions; Operators involved in environmental and social activities take official strategy CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and officially announce it publicly, for instance, on their own websites; actions speak for themselves - the entity involved in the particular area will be actively participate in it, so that its operation will be known to the public. As a research method, have been used case study and analysis of the literature. The paper highlights both academic as well as managerial implications.