Researching the Mass Media Role in Promoting and Selling Tourists` Packages in Romania
Author:Andreea Marin Pantelescu and Maria Ioncica
JEL:L83, M3
Keywords:tourism, mass media, tourists’ packages, marketing, research
The main propose of this study concentrates on researching the role of mass media in promoting and selling tourists’ packages in Romania. We want to investigate the tourists opinion regarding the importance of mass media in selling and promoting tourists’ packages, the tourist considerations in the quality of the mass media tools (TV, radio, internet, written press like newspapers, magazines, brochures and catalogues) for selling and promoting tourists’ packages, and if the tourists consider reliable the advertisements broadcasted by media regarding offered holidays. A quantitative marketing research using a pre tested questionnaire will provide the answers to these research questions. The expected results will help the actors in the tourism field to a better understanding of the mass media role in selling and promoting tourists’ packages and will also enrich the knowledge in the powerful of the communications in the tourism domain.