Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti

Amfiteatru Economic
Facultatea de Business si Turism

Insights into the Development of the Market of Mobile Marketing Services in Romania

Author:Carmen Balan and Mirela-Patricia Zegreanu

JEL:M31, M37, M49, M15


Keywords:mobile marketing, mobile advertising, short message services (SMS), mobile marketing agencies, exploratory research, in-depth interviews

The article aims to explore the present evolution stage of the mobile marketing service market in Romania. Central part of the article is the exploratory research based on in-depth interviews with major specialists in mobile marketing services. The main objectives of the research were to study: the offering of mobile marketing agencies in Romania; most used mobile marketing instruments; market changes generated by the advent of smartphones; perception of competition among Romanian mobile marketing agencies. This exploratory approach is the first multi-faceted qualitative study of the supply side of the Romanian market of mobile marketing services which is presently at the border between emergence and growth.
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